"it's not about beauty.."

"it's not about beauty.."
You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be..

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

How can i move on when i'm still in love you (?)

I'm just a broken hearted man..
" cause if one day wake up and find that you're missing me and your heart starts to wonder on this earth i could be,thinking maybe you'll come back here to place that we'd meet, and you see me waiting for you on the corner of the street, so i'm not moving..i'm not moving..i'm not moving.."
yes, that's right!! this is the script lyrics " the man who can't be bla..bla.. " hahaha kayanya gue curcol sekali malam ini as you know i don't want to continue the title of song, because i believe we can be moved, moved from anything worst situation :) sometimes maybe feel regret,feel sad,feel stupid,feel lonely,and feel wanna die hahahha but it's all process, process in your life that can make more mature (cliche but it's true man)
it's just about the "past" tapi kenapa 4 kata itu bisa jadi 7 kata = memories! ini yang ribet sebenernya bukan past nya dan sekarang gue lagi lagi lagi entah berapa kali lagi remembring when i was his own, i know it's stupid activity but he's still keep stuck in my head, it's so killing me softly kaya lagu kesukaan papa hehehe
dan sampe jam seginipun gue masih belum bisa tidur!!!gak tau ada apa,emang ga ada apa-apa sih tapi yaa bt aja nonton udah, ol bosen!!paling fb,twitter,msn,ym,download,open youtube,sampah!!megang bb enek mau muntah nothing receive anything juga gitu no bbm,message,telv and others!!dan esiapun begitu jangankan ada apa2,hpnya jg mati ga tau dari kapan mager mau ngecass!
poor me?? how a rubbish my life?? so ugly??hmmm..
gak tau juga ini tulisan apa,atau apa-apaan cuma kalimat kalimat muak yang pengen dikeluarin tapi gak tau sama siapa aja, jadi begini deh!
tapi gue excited kok sama hidup gue gak semenyedihkan yang kalian bayangin dari blog ini,ini mah cuma 1 per 12 dari pikiran gue malem ini kok (kenapa mesti seper 12 deh olyn haha,ya biar matching aja sama tanggal lahir gue haha ga penting abis..) catet! pikiran gue malem ini aja loh! jadi ya mudah mudahan gak kepikiran lagi dan lagi untuk kesekian lagi dan lagi haha cacat!!
sedihh ga sih??engga ya??BYE!!

ehh tapi masih belum bisa tidur gmn dong??lagi ahh..hahaha
ehm..05.15 birds started singing,adzan juga udah,ayam udah berkokok tapi bantal selimut dan guling masih terdiam menunggu dipeluk gue haha (apasih bahasanya..)
ahh jadi lebay selebaynya tapi yang lebay2 enak gimana dong?mihihi
lagi gak jernih banget otak gue skip seskip skipnya muka "rovina alatas" temen gue kalo lagi melintirin rambut dikelas alias pongo' haha begitulah keadaan otak dan mungkin muka gue malem ini tapi ga bermaksud ambil predikat lo kok rab (kata olyn terhadap temannya yang keturunan arab itu dan sekali lagi ini itu apasihh bangeett hahaha..)

ini lagi nguap dan seharusnya sih ga perlu diketik cuma pengen pamer aja jam segini gue baru nguap sekali hebatkan??juara nih mata gue kalo didonorin pasti mahal hahaha
last but not least come on eyes, sleepy please and get a wonderful dreams about him haha "tentang si gebetan yang tidak mungkin sampai akhir zaman" tapi kalo suka mau apa!!??toh kalo jodoh juga gak kemana, jadi marah!haha
yaudah deh sekian ke kekrikan dari saya malam ini to be continued for next blog yaa ;)
and good morning earth,morning mom dad,morning besties,morning hey you handsome!!hihihi
sweet kisses and big hug!!!

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

(500) Days of Summer

The film is presented in a nonlinear narrative; this summary is a linear version of the events of the film.

On January 8, Tom Hansen meets Summer Finn, the new assistant to his boss. Tom trained as an architect but works as a writer at a greeting card company, living in Los Angeles. Following a karaoke night, Tom's co-worker, McKenzie, lets slip that Tom is attracted to Summer. Over the next few months Summer and Tom grow closer, despite Summer making it clear to Tom that she does not believe in true love, and does not want a boyfriend.

Tom shows Summer his favorite spot in the city, which looks out over a number of buildings he likes, although the view is spoiled by parking lots. After a few weeks dating, Tom gets into a fight with a guy chatting up Summer, and they have their first argument. On day 290, Summer and Tom split up after they see The Graduate, a film which Tom thinks shows true love. Tom does not take the break up well and Tom's friends call his younger sister, Rachel, to calm him down.

Summer quits the greeting card company and Tom's boss moves him to consolations, as his depression is not suitable for happier events. Months later Summer and Tom attend the wedding of a co-worker, they dance at the wedding and Summer catches the bouquet. They sit next to each other on the journey home and Summer invites Tom to a party at her apartment for the Friday. Tom attends the party and sees that Summer is wearing an engagement ring. Realizing what is being celebrated, he leaves the party. Tom enters a deep depression, only leaving the house for alcohol and junk food. After a few days, he returns to work drunk and quits his job. He sets about re-applying himself to architecture, makes a list of firms, and begins to attend interviews.

On day 488, he meets Summer at his favorite spot and they talk; he wishes her well. Twelve days later, on Wednesday, May 23, he attends a job interview and meets a girl, who is also applying for the same job. Before entering the interview, he makes a date to have coffee with her afterward. He asks her for her name, and she replies, "Autumn."